"Key to 5G"

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(and a potential 103% stock play as things rapidly unfold):

President Trump Issues "Hands Off!" Warning to China: 
Block Access To This Bland 
Portland-Based Building Quietly Hoarding Potential

With $2.2 trillion at stake, it’s no surprise President Trump declared to Americans everywhere that the US “must win” the 5G race.

Japan, Germany and many other powerful nations around the world are fighting tooth and nail to get ahead. But Mr. Trump is doing everything in his power to make sure the United States stays out in front.

Just days ago, the President issues a “cease and desist” message to second-place China. Ordering them to “Back Off!” of one tiny Oregon company (pictured above), as he killed a $1.3 billion Asian buyout.

Such affirmative action suggest the President sees this company as vital in winning the 5G race.

With the Government now committing $275 billion to cement the US as ‘world leader’ in trillion-dollar 5G market, this one tiny tech manufacturer could be a huge player as the race picks up.

In a FREE report, leading investment analyst, Ian Wyatt, is revealing the details on this strange company the Chinese are desperate to get hold of. And shedding light on why the President is adamant this company stays out of their hands.

Ian’s estimates suggest those who take quick action could make away with 103% gains or more in the coming months as the US Government floods this company with cash to secure the global 5G dominance.

But to get in on those gains, they must act soon, before the government’s investment hits the mainstream media.

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